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Writer's picturelauraquinnwrites


Updated: Sep 14, 2021


Hey you.

Yeah, you.

Still here? I know, I know. It’s been a while. If you’re reading this, thanks for sticking around. Boy, do we have a lot to catch up on!!

For starters, this happened.

It took me longer than anticipated (hence, my absence on the blogosphere). But, you know what they say-nothing worth doing is ever easy. Currently, the document is being beta read.

What exactly is a beta read, you ask? Well, just as musicians and film directors benefit from the use of test audiences, writers can gain invaluable insight about the current state of a story before it hits the market. This data will help me assess the parts of the novel that need to be re-worked during the editing process.

For example, when determining which tracks made the cut for Slippery When Wet, Bon Jovi played live versions to some local teens at a pizza shop to get their opinions and the notorious Pizza Parlor Jury was born.

Can you imagine if Livin’ On A Prayer didn’t make the cut?

Fact: Jon wasn’t so convinced at first and wanted to sell the song for use on a movie soundtrack. This is why feedback is so important.

Additionally, I’m currently in negotiations with several historical societies at the southern NJ shore to ascertain their willingness and availability to “scrub” the manuscript for accuracy.

I’m hoping to receive all of the critiques by mid-September so I can hit the ground running with revisions when my littles are back in school. From there, it will undergo developmental editing, copy editing, and proofreading/line editing.

Make sure you follow me on Instagram for more spotlights, snippets, and reels.

Missed any? I got you- check the highlights on my profile.

We're halfway there. This one's for you, readers. My love letter to the Jersey Shore.

Here’s what you can expect going forward:

- A newsletter

- Character Playlists on Spotify

- Cover Reveal

And much more. Because there’s a little Tommy and Gina in all of us.

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