Hello dear readers! I'm happy to announce that, not only did my littles return to school without a hitch, but our bathroom project is coming along slowly-but-surely thanks to my very hardworking hubs.
With Fall on the horizon, I've got a few upcoming signing and speaking engagements coming up.
These include:
Saturday, 10/7/23: Fall Block Party (Asbury Ave., Ocean City, NJ). I’ll be at the Sun Rose tent. Event runs all day through 5 pm.
Saturday, 10/14/23: Manchester Library (21 Colonial Dr., Manchester, NJ 08759) at 11:30 am. I’ll be discussing my writing process, as well as some of the historical events in Thicker Than Water.
Saturday, 11/4/23: Barnes & Noble (4445 Southmont Way, Easton, PA 18045) at 11 am. B&N has been kind enough to invite me back for #RomanceCon2023 – the Fall Edition. Join me, and several other amazing authors, for signings, panel discussions, raffles, and more!
Come say hi!